Xbox controller diablo 3 pc
Xbox controller diablo 3 pc

xbox controller diablo 3 pc

Bringing that same freedom of movement to the PC game would break its balance.

xbox controller diablo 3 pc

The camera in console versions of Diablo 3 is a bit more zoomed-in than its PC counterparts, and when combined with the thumbstick evade, players are presented with a game that is similar, but plays out much more frenetically than its computer counterparts. That constant motion is the crux of the problem here. Whereas on console it's the exact opposite, you're drawn in." When you're playing on the PC, you're not really looking at your character as much, you're kind of focusing on the cursor. It flows more, because you're constantly repositioning your character with the thumbstick you're really never stationary on console, whereas on PC you're a lot more stationary. "On console, the rhythm is very different. " The rhythm on PC is tactactactactactac - you're clicking the mouse, you're telling your character where to go," said senior level designer Matthew Berger. According to Blizzard, the games are just too different to make that work properly. Those hoping the surprisingly intuitive controls of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 incarnations of Diablo 3 might make their way to the PC are out of luck.

Xbox controller diablo 3 pc